您可以在PlayStation 4上使用的30种语音命令
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Sony’s PlayStation 4 has voice commands, just like . They’re just not as heavily advertised. PS4 voice commands work with a standard headset, so you don’t need any special hardware–unlike the Xbox One, which requires a Kinect for voice control.

索尼的PlayStation 4具有语音命令,就像 。 他们只是没有那么多广告。 PS4语音命令可与标准耳机配合使用,因此您不需要任何特殊硬件-不同于Xbox One,后者需要Kinect进行语音控制。

The PlayStation 4 doesn’t offer as many commands as the Xbox One does. However, voice commands were improved somewhat with PlayStation firmware update 2.00, released back in October 2014.

PlayStation 4提供的命令不如Xbox One提供的命令多。 但是,语音命令在2014年10月发布的PlayStation固件2.00版中有所改进。

如何启用语音命令 (How to Enable Voice Commands)

You can issue voice commands in one of two ways:


  • With a PlayStation Camera: If you have the optional PlayStation Camera accessory for your PS4, you can just speak out loud and issue voice commands through the camera’s microphone.

    使用PlayStation摄像头 :如果您具有PS4的可选PlayStation摄像头附件,则可以大声说出来,并通过摄像头的麦克风发出语音命令。

  • Through a Headset: You can connect a headset to the audio jack on your PS4’s controller and speak voice commands into the headset. The basic mono headset included with the PS4 works fine for this. However, you can also use another headset with a microphone, even a wireless Bluetooth headset. As long as you can connect a headset with a microphone to your PlayStation 4–no matter how you do it–you’re good to go.

    通过耳机 :您可以将耳机连接到PS4控制器上的音频插Kong,并向耳机说出语音命令。 PS4随附的基本单声道耳机对此适用。 但是,您也可以使用其他带有麦克风的耳机,甚至是无线蓝牙耳机。 只要您可以将带有麦克风的头戴式耳机连接到PlayStation 4,无论您如何操作,都可以使用。

Before testing this out, you’ll also want to ensure voice commands are enabled on the PS4. To do so, head to Settings > System > Voice Operation Settings and ensure the “Operate PS4 with Voice” option is enabled.

在测试之前,您还需要确保在PS4上启用了语音命令。 为此,请转到“设置”>“系统”>“语音操作设置”,并确保启用了“带语音的PS4操作”选项。

如何使您的PS4监听命令 (How to Make Your PS4 Listen for Commands)

To start issuing a voice command, say “PlayStation” out loud. After about a second, a microphone will appear on your screen. This is your indication that you can start speaking voice command. The PS4 will listen for ten seconds–if you don’t say anything within that time, it will stop listening.

要开始发出语音命令,请大声说“ PlayStation”。 大约一秒钟后,麦克风将出现在屏幕上。 这表明您可以开始说语音命令。 PS4会监听十秒钟-如果您在这段时间内不说话,它将停止监听。

You can also press the “L2” button on your controller to make your PS4 start listening for voice commands, but this only works when you’re at the home screen.

您也可以按控制器上的“ L2”按钮,使PS4开始收听语音命令,但这仅在主屏幕上有效。

You need to pause for a second after saying “PlayStation”–you can’t simply say “PlayStation [command]” without pausing, or it won’t hear your command.

说完“ PlayStation”后,您需要暂停一秒钟–您不能简单地说“ PlayStation [command]”而不会暂停,否则它将听不到您的命令。

If there’s a lot of ambient noise near you, the PS4 may have trouble hearing you. You may also need to speak more slowly and enunciate more clearly if the software can’t understand you. Voice commands won’t work at all while you’re voice chatting online in a party.

如果您附近有很多环境噪音,则PS4可能听不到您的声音。 如果软件听不懂您的声音,您可能还需要说得慢一些,说话要清晰些。 在聚会中在线进行语音聊天时,语音命令根本不起作用。

您可以使用的不同命令 (The Different Commands You Can Use)

Once your PlayStation 4 is listening for commands, you can speak several commands from anywhere:

PlayStation 4监听命令后,您可以从任何地方讲几条命令:

  • Take Screen Shot: Save a screenshot.


  • Start Video Clip: Start recording and save the next 15 minutes of gameplay. If you’ve configured your PS4 to record shorter gameplay clips–like 10 minute clips–it will record a shorter clip instead.

    开始视频剪辑 :开始录制并保存接下来的15分钟游戏时间。 如果您已将PS4配置为记录较短的游戏片段(如10分钟片段),它将记录较短的片段。

  • Save Video Clip: Save the last 15 minutes of gameplay to a video clip. If you’ve configured your PS4 to record shorter gameplay clips, it will record a shorter clip instead.

    保存视频片段 :将游戏的最后15分钟保存到视频片段中。 如果您已将PS4配置为记录较短的游戏片段,它将记录较短的片段。

  • Start Broadcast: Start broadcasting your gameplay.

    开始广播 :开始广播您的游戏玩法。

  • Stop Broadcast: Stop broadcasting your gameplay.

    停止广播 :停止广播您的游戏。

  • Home Screen: Return to the PS4’s home screen.

    主屏幕 :返回PS4的主屏幕。

  • All Commands: Display the available voice commands on the current screen.

    所有命令 :在当前屏幕上显示可用的语音命令。

  • Fewer Commands: Hide the list of available commands.

    更少的命令 :隐藏可用命令的列表。

  • Log In: Go to the Switch User screen.

    登录 :转到“切换用户”屏幕。

  • User #: Select a user on the Switch User screen. For example, “User 1” will select the first user in the list and “User 2” will select the second user in the list.

    用户编号 :在“切换用户”屏幕上选择一个用户。 例如,“用户1”将在列表中选择第一个用户,而“用户2”将在列表中选择第二个用户。

  • Yes: Agree to a confirmation prompt on the screen.


  • Cancel: Cancel at a confirmation prompt on the screen.

    取消 :在屏幕上的确认提示时取消。

  • Back: Go back to the previous screen.

    返回 :返回上一屏幕。

  • Back to Game: Go back to the currently active game you’re playing.

    返回游戏 :返回您正在玩的当前活动的游戏。

  • Start PlayStation Store: Open the PlayStation Store.

    启动PlayStation商店 :打开PlayStation商店。

  • Start Notifications: Open the Notifications Screen.

    开始通知 :打开通知屏幕。

  • Start Friends: Open the Friends screen.

    结交朋友 :打开“朋友”屏幕。

  • Start Messages: Open the Messages screen.

    开始消息 :打开“消息”屏幕。

  • Start Party: Open the Party screen.

    参加聚会 :打开聚会屏幕。

  • Start Profile: Open the profile screen.

    开始配置文件 :打开配置文件屏幕。

  • Start Trophies: Open the Trophies screen.

    启动奖杯 :打开“奖杯”屏幕。

  • Start Settings: Open the Settings screen.

    开始设置 :打开“设置”屏幕。

  • Start Power: Open the Power screen.

    启动电源 :打开电源屏幕。

  • Enter Rest Mode: Put the PS4 into . This only works from the power menu screen.

    进入休息模式 :将PS4置于 。 这仅在电源菜单屏幕上有效。

  • Turn Off PS4: Power off the PS4. This only works from the power menu screen.

    关闭PS4关闭PS4的电源。 这仅在电源菜单屏幕上有效。

The following voice commands must be spoken on the PS4’s home screen:


  • [Game Name] or [App Name]: Select a game or app just by saying its name. For example, you can say “Amazon” to select the Amazon Instant Video app. This only works if the game or app is already installed. This also works for built-in apps–for example, you can say “Internet Browser” to select the Internet browser app.

    [游戏名称][应用程序名称] :仅说出游戏名称或应用程序的名称即可。 例如,您可以说“ Amazon”以选择Amazon Instant Video应用程序。 仅在已安装游戏或应用程序的情况下才有效。 这也适用于内置应用程序-例如,您可以说“ Internet浏览器”以选择Internet浏览器应用程序。

  • Start: Start the currently selected game or application.

    开始 :启动当前选择的游戏或应用程序。

  • What’s New: Go to the What’s New section.

    新增功能 :转到“新增功能”部分。

  • Library: Go to the Library section.

    图书馆 :转到“图书馆”部分。

  • TV and Video: Go to the TV and Video section.

    电视和视频 :转到“电视和视频”部分。

For example, let’s say you’re currently using Amazon Instant Video and you want to start using the Netflix app. You’d say “PlayStation, Home Screen, Netflix, Start, Yes” to do this. This string of commands would make the PS4 start listening, take you to the home screen, select the Netflix app, tell the PS4 to start it, and agree to close the current app to do so.

例如,假设您当前正在使用Amazon Instant Video,而您想开始使用Netflix App。 为此,您需要说“ PlayStation,主屏幕,Netflix,开始,是”。 此命令字符串将使PS4开始收听,带您进入主屏幕,选择Netflix应用,告诉PS4启动它,并同意关闭当前应用。

Unfortunately, there’s no way to turn a PlayStation on from Rest Mode with your voice like the “Xbox, On” command on an Xbox One. You’ll have to either press the PlayStation button on your controller or power button on the console. But the voice commands it does have are still pretty useful.

不幸的是,没有办法像Xbox One上的“ Xbox,On”命令那样用您的声音从“静止模式”打开PlayStation。 您必须按控制器上的PlayStation按钮或控制台上的电源按钮。 但是它确实具有的语音命令仍然非常有用。



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